Textile and Apparel Industry

The textile and apparel industry accounts for around 2% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As the effects of climate change become more apparent and as the world's population continues to grow and consume more textile products, the textile and apparel industry must take serious actions to reduce its impact on the climate and environment.

There are several ways to reduce the climate impact of the textile and apparel industry, from using more environmentally friendly materials to deploying more efficient- and low-carbon manufacturing processes. Thermal energy needs, especially for heating processes, are a significant challenge for climate change mitigation efforts in the textile industry. Heating often represents over half of the total energy demand in the textile industry. Most of this heat is currently provided by fossil fuels in most countries.

Global Efficiency Intelligence’s team has over two decades of experience in analyzing energy use and efficiency and decarbonization technologies and strategies for the textile and apparel industry globally. Some of our related publications are listed below.

Our Founder and CEO, Dr. Hasanbeigi, is also the Founder and Director at Textile Sustainability Hub, which is an information hub that researches, identifies and shares best practices for sustainability and cleaner production in the textile and apparel industry.

Our textile industry-related publications:

  1. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Zuberi, Jibran; (2022). Electrification of heat in the textile industry. Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC. (forthcoming)

  2. Zuberi, M Jibran S; Hasanbeigi, Ali; Morrow, William R. (2022) Techno-economic evaluation of industrial heat pump applications in U.S. pulp and paper, textile, and automotive industries. Energy Efficiency.

  3. Zuberi, Jibran; Hasanbeigi, Ali; Morrow, William (2022). Electrification of Boilers in U.S. Manufacturing. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab & Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC.

  4. Hasanbeigi, Ali (2013). Emerging Technologies for an Energy-Efficient, Water-Efficient, and Low-Pollution Textile Industry. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. LBNL-6510E

  5. Hasanbeigi, Ali, (2010). Energy Efficiency Improvement Opportunities for the Textile Industry. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. LBNL-3970E

  6. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Price, Lynn; (2015). A Technical Review of Emerging Technologies for Energy and Water Efficiency and Pollution Reduction in the Textile Industry. Journal of Cleaner Production. DOI 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.02.079.

  7. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Hasanabadi, Abdollah; Abdolrazaghi, Mohamad, (2012). Energy Intensity Analysis for Five Major Sub-Sectors of the Textile Industry. Journal of Cleaner Production 23 (2012) 186-194

  8. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Price, Lynn (2012). A Review of Energy Use and Energy Efficiency Technologies for the Textile Industry. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 3648– 3665.

  9. Energy Efficiency Assessment and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction (EAGER) Tool for the Textile Industry. EAGER Textile tool allows you to evaluate the impact of selected energy efficiency measures for the textile industry by choosing the measures that you would likely introduce in your facility or would like to evaluate for potential use. It is available in both English and Chinese.