Cross-cutting Topics

In addition to industry sector-specific work, Global Efficiency Intelligence has conducted a substantial amount of work on cross-cutting topics related to industrial energy efficiency and decarbonization. Some of these cross-cutting topics are:

  • Industrial electrification

  • Industrial heat pumps

  • Hydrogen use in the industry both as feedstock and fuel

  • Alternative fuels in the industry

  • CCUS in industry

  • Motor systems efficiency

  • Boilers and steam systems efficiency

  • Industrial energy assessment and audits

  • Supply chain energy and carbon footprint

Some of our related publications are listed below.

Our cross-cutting publications:

  1. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Kirshbaum, Lynn., Collison, Blaine (2022). Industrial Electrification: An industrial subsector- and state-level analysis. Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC & David Gardiner and Associates. (forthcoming)

  2. Zuberi, Jibran; Hasanbeigi, Ali; Morrow, William (2022). Electrification through Industrial Heat Pump Applications in U.S. Manufacturing. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab & Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC.

  3. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Zuberi, Jibran; (2022). Electrification of heat in the textile industry. Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC. (forthcoming)

  4. Zuberi, Jibran; Hasanbeigi, Ali; Morrow, William (2022). Electrification of Boilers in U.S. Manufacturing. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab & Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC.

  5. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Collison, B., Kirshbaum, L., Gardiner, D. (2021). Electrifying U.S. Industry: Technology and Process-Based Approach to Decarbonization. Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC.

  6. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Morrow, William (2022). Hydrogen for High-Temperature Industrial Heating. Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC. (forthcoming)

  7. Cresko, Joe; Hasanbeigi, Ali; et al. (2022). Thermal Process Intensification in Industry. US Department of Energy.

  8. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Morrow, B., Shehabi, A. (2021). Embodied Carbon In The U.S. Manufacturing And Trade. Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC.

  9. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Moran, Dan; Springer, Cecilia (2018). The Carbon Loophole in Climate Policy: Quantifying the Embodied Carbon in Traded Products. San Francisco, CA. Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC.

  10. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Letschert, Virginie; (2015). Methodology for Estimating International Prices of Energy-efficient Electric Motors and Results for 18 Major Economies around the World. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. LBNL-182927

  11. McKane, Aimee; Hasanbeigi, Ali, (2010). Motor System Efficiency Supply Curves. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

  12. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Harrell, Greg; Schreck, Bettina (2014). Energy Efficiency Potentials in Industrial Steam Systems in China: Development of the Steam Systems Energy Efficiency Cost Curve. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna, Austria.

  13. Hasanbeigi, Ali; Price, Lynn, (2010). Industrial Energy Audit Guidebook: Guidelines for Conducting an Energy Audit in Industrial Facilities. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In addition to the guidebook, several energy audit tools were developed. LBNL-3991E